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Krótko po egzaminie na Chunnina Boruto mówi o kilka słów za dużo. Tak właśnie rozpada się drużyna 7. Sarada Uchiha postanawia wyruszyć w długoterminową podróż ze swoim ojcem - Uchihą Sasuke. Opowiadanie ma miejsce pięć lat później, kiedy to Sarada Szłam spokojnym krokiem do Konohy. Od mojego odejścia minęło równo pięć lat, nie mogę doczekać się aż zobaczę moich dawnych przyjaciół i wreszcie mogę pokazać mu jak silna się stałam. Przez te lata bardzo się zmieniłam. Mam teraz dziewiętnaście lat. Zrezygnowałam z okularów i zapuściłam długie, bardzo długie włosy do kolan. Na moim czole lśni czerwony kryształ symbol pieczęci Byakugo, techniki piątej Hokage.

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We use cookies and similar technologies that are necessary to run our Website essential cookies. A cookie is a small amount of data generated by our Website and saved by your web browser. We use them to access, analyze and store information such as the characteristics of your device as well as certain personal data. Analytics cookies allow us to analyze our performance to offer you optimized services. Functionality cookies help us to personalize and enhance your online experience on our Website. Targeting and Advertising cookies enable us serve ads that might be of interest to you. Please visit our Privacy Notice to learn more about cookies and data, we collect and process.

Here be spoilers for Naruto. Anything that has not been aired on the free version note one week after the paid version of Crunchyroll should be spoiler-tagged. Click here to see her appearance in the flashfoward "It's not like I could deliver lunches to everyone in the whole village, so… instead, I've decided to become Hokage! One of the main characters of Boruto , she's Sasuke and Sakura's daughter. A genin of Boruto's graduating Academy batch and a former classmate of Boruto. She was the youngest member of Boruto's class as well as its honors student.

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Because she was raised only by her mother without having her father around, Sarada initially struggled to understand who she is or what she's supposed to be. After meeting her father with the help of Naruto Uzumaki , Sarada comes to believe that she is defined by the connections she has with others, and as a member of Team Konohamaru , she seeks to someday become Hokage so that she can connect with as many people as possible. Sarada is the only child of Sasuke and Sakura Uchiha. She was born while Sakura was accompanying Sasuke on his travels, and was delivered with the help of Karin in one of Orochimaru 's hideouts; [2] as such, there is no record of her birth at the Konoha Hospital. After that, Sarada's family returned to Konoha to raise her, where the two helped her learn to walk.

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