jane wilde

Jane wilde

She was married to Stephen Hawking for 30 years. She grew up in St AlbansHertfordshire.

Irish poet and writer, editor. BnF authorities. Republic of Ireland. Jane Francesca Elgee English. International Standard Name Identifier. English Wikipedia. John Fanshawe Ellis.

Jane wilde

Lady Wilde had a special interest in Irish folktales, which she helped to gather [3] and was the mother of Oscar Wilde and Willie Wilde. Her father died when she was three years old which meant she was largely self-educated. Even so, she is said to have mastered 10 languages by the age of She claimed that her great-grandfather was an Italian who had come to Wexford in the 18th century; in fact, the Elgees descended from Durham labourers. On 12 November she married Sir William Wilde , an eye and ear surgeon and also a researcher of folklore , in St. Her eldest son William Wilde became a journalist and poet, her younger son Oscar Wilde became a prolific and famous writer, and her daughter Isola Wilde died in childhood of a fever. When her husband died in , the family discovered that he was virtually bankrupt. She lived with her older son in poverty, supplementing their meagre income by writing for fashionable magazines and producing books based on the research of her late husband into Irish folklore. She wrote several books including 'Ancient legends, mystic charms, and superstitions of Ireland' Her poems are said to have influenced her son Oscar's own work. For example, his 'Ballad of Reading Gaol' has been compared to her poem 'The Brothers' based on a true story of a trial and execution in the Rebellion.

MusicBrainz artist ID. Notable Irishwomen. Jane Francesca, Lady Wilde.


Jane Wilde is a popular porn star , cam girl and model who has been thrilling fans since early So where did it all begin? New York was a good experience growing up. I have a feel for how the world works. New York City is like its own little world. I know diversity; I know all different types of people. You may be surprised to learn that Jane Wilde was a very quiet individual during her high school years. However, it was during this time that natural beauty Jane Wilde started to explore her sexuality and she has highlighted in her January Fleshbot interview how;. I also felt ostracized because I was starting to realize that I liked being a slut, and sluts in my high school were looked down upon.

Jane wilde

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Wikinews 0 entries edit. Oscar Wilde. She wrote several books including 'Ancient legends, mystic charms, and superstitions of Ireland' Project Gutenberg author ID. Dictionary of Irish Biography ID. Multilingual sites 1 entry edit. Westfield College , London. English author and teacher. SBN author ID. BG ID. She grew up in St Albans , Hertfordshire. American Academy in Rome ID.

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Wikimedia Commons Wikisource. Wikiquote 0 entries edit. International Standard Name Identifier. Hymnary author ID. Margaret Callan. Collective Biographies of Women ID. Retrieved 8 February Authority control databases. Retrieved 28 June LibriVox author ID. Online Books Page author ID.

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