

Large Monsters like Jyuratodus are hostile and are usually the primary objective of Hunts, jyuratodus.

This page contains information on the Monster - Jyuratodus. A Piscine Wyvern greatly resembling Lavasioth , Jyuratodus is a light brown scaled beast home to the muds of the Wildspire Waste. Spending as much time on land as in the muck, it can cover its body in mud for protection when fighting, and spits water at its foes. Also look out for his dive and submerge attack that deals massive damage to hunters. Here you will find all the information on the material gained from Jyuratodus , most of which can be used to make Weapons and Armor.


The eponymous monsters encountered in Monster Hunter: World can all feel like challenging boss fights, especially when you aren't used to a certain monster's attack patterns just yet. The Jyuratodus is one such monster that can be quite challenging thanks to its ability to shield itself with mud and glide smoothly across the ground. Whether you're just starting out in your monster-hunting career or a high-rank hunter struggling after picking up a new weapon type, this particular monster can be a bit of a Luckily, we have some tips on taking this piscine problem down. You will find the Jyuratodus in the Wildspire Waste zone of Monster Hunter: World, specifically within the swampier sections. These areas are full of water which will allow the amphibious Jyuratodus to glide around, making itself difficult to keep up with. Luckily, there are plenty of small islands dotted around where you can easily dash to your destination and catch up with the slippery wyvern. A general tip for fighting any monsters in these areas is to avoid staying in the water for too long. Your movement speed will be lowered in the water , which will make dodging attacks much harder. You'll inevitably end up diving into the shallows to avoid attacks at some point, but just prioritize getting onto dry land and you'll minimize the risk. As you might expect, the Jyuratodus is a piscine wyvern with the ability to cause water damage. It also has an affinity for mud , which it can use to coat itself in a thick armor which will change up its resistances. As you can see from the above table, the main strategy of the fight should be to remove the Jyuratodus's mud armor as soon as possible in order to strike at its weaker flesh underneath.

Torrent Sac x3.

Read on to learn Jyuratodus's weaknesses, forgeable weapons and armor, drops, and attack patterns for Master Rank! List of Contents. A Jyuratodus's mud-caked carapace is tough, so use water-elemental weapons to dissolve the mud and get to its squishy core. Stepping in its mud slows you down, so pay attention to your footing. Status Effect Vulnerabilities.

The monster Jyuratodus is a large monster in Monster Hunter Rise. This page will cover its weaknesses, tips to beat it, item drops, armor , and more. See the Monsters page for a list of all large monsters in Monster Hunter Rise, and New Monsters to see just the new ones. Looking for specific details on the Jyuratodus? Click the links below to learn even more information…. For a complete breakdown on each part of the Jyuratodus and its weaknesses, please see the table below. Listed below is a complete breakdown on the Ailment Effectiveness for the Jyuratodus.


This page contains information on the Monster - Jyuratodus. A Piscine Wyvern greatly resembling Lavasioth , Jyuratodus is a light brown scaled beast home to the muds of the Wildspire Waste. Spending as much time on land as in the muck, it can cover its body in mud for protection when fighting, and spits water at its foes. Also look out for his dive and submerge attack that deals massive damage to hunters. Here you will find all the information on the material gained from Jyuratodus , most of which can be used to make Weapons and Armor.

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Master Rank. Kinsect Extract Guide. The following are Palico and Palamute weapons and armor sets related to Jyuratodus. Jyuratodus Weapons. Small Monsters. Jyura Shotel III. Jyuratodus is related to Lavasioth , and as such resembles a bipedal coelacanth fish. Point out mistakes and send feedback Edit Send. Jyura Cataclysm II. Jyura Drought II. The mud shaking of barroth? Torrent Sac x3.

All of the large enemies seen thus far in Monster Hunter: World have been land-walking or flying monstrosities.

Jyuratodus Armor. Boaboa Felyne Gajalaka Grimalkyne. Aurora Somnacanth. Aqua Sac. The Jyuratodus is stronger against physical attacks. This trap can deal decent damage and potentially stagger-lock Jyuratodus for the full duration. Warped Feystone. Daimyo Hermitaur. Small Monsters. Aqua Sac x3. Aqua Sac. These areas are full of water which will allow the amphibious Jyuratodus to glide around, making itself difficult to keep up with. When its mud coating is removed by repeated attacks, it twirl around in the mud for a moment to recoat.

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