kadir mısıroğlu kitapyurdu

Kadir mısıroğlu kitapyurdu

One set of headwinds from within, one from without — not to mention the basic influence of competition. Your trusted source for Minnesota news today. Read articles, view photos, or watch videos about news in Minneapolis, St, kadir mısıroğlu kitapyurdu.

The erroneous perception of Stalin among most people today II. The erroneous perception of WW II by average people today. The true Yalta Conference IV. The Big Game never ended V. Good intentions and evil purposes VI.

Kadir mısıroğlu kitapyurdu


Even worse, kadir mısıroğlu kitapyurdu, the discoveries were popularized, discussed and introduced into educational manuals, always as per the forged representation that each Western explorer and scholar established. This may appear natural, since the entire Caucasus region, Anatolia, the southern part of today's Ukraine, Crimea, most of today's.


He was known for his staunch opposition to the early Kemalist regime of Turkey and advocating the restoration of the caliphate. He penned over 50 books, which include non-fiction, fiction, and poems. His works have been criticized for their approach, awareness and bias. During his time at Istanbul University in the s, [1] He became the president of the Trabzon Highschool Graduates Association in his sophomore year, and opened seven student dormitories. In , he founded the publishing house Sebil and then the magazine named Sebil in Lozan Zafer mi, Hezimet mi?

Kadir mısıroğlu kitapyurdu


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It was -in its conception- a supratemporal narrative of the History of the Mankind from A to Z, with focus on the predestination of Man, i. How did Stalin manage to do that? A trinitarian god would be such a profanity in Iran and Central Asia that it would automatically cause capital punishment. Shoikin in Sankt Petersburg. This fact was not the result of Marxist-Leninist ideological failure or the consequence of Soviet economic inefficiency; it was merely the direct and disastrous outcome of the Soviet leaders' inability to deeply analyze Stalin's choices and decisions and to continually and unquestionably implement them further on. Hitler would have invaded, destroyed and demolished the Soviet Union, implementing in the s what Victoria Nuland, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and the rest of the American Left trash intend to carry out now: the complete decomposition and dismemberment of Russia. When the theme of bull-slaying was introduced by the early Iranian-Turanian Magi in Central Asia, it caused terrible friction and the benevolent Magi kicked the evil ones out. This is a continuous service subscription that will automatically renew at the next rate after your initial rate and term shown here. There is only little truth in all this. Straightforwardly, Stalin would be considered a 'Eurasianist' today; it is easy to understand that his Mithraic contemplations and considerations during his time in Ottoman Anatolia made of him an entirely committed Eurasiatic continentalist. The Soviet ruler merely stuck to his deal Molotov—Ribbentrop Pact; 23rd August , therefore fully implementing the famous maxim 'pacta sunt servanda', honoring his signature, and highlighting his Mithraic moral commitment. Then, this observation may have revealed to the young inquisitive explorer the reality hidden from the eyes of the entire world, which was then at the eve of what is now called WW I. This was the only way for him to identify the continuity of sacerdotal intentions, practices, choices, propaganda patterns, and end targets, thus identifying correctly his enemies and retracing their ancestral line at the mental, intellectual, and spiritual levels. As the evil and inhuman, Mithraic sacerdotal college proceeded to the West and reached the Iranian plateau, one cultural vestige was left in Central Asia only to survive down to our days: buzkashi, a collective sport in which horse riders attempt to grab the decapitated carcass of a goat and hold it for as long as possible or ride with it to the finish line.


This was normal, because in fact the evil Magi extracted the solar symbolism of Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism, made it an independent divinity, and thus fabricated their 'god'. These two words of Greek etymology 'monotheism' and 'polytheism' , which are of ample use nowadays, are indeed very simplistic and quite wrong; in fact, they should be rather avoided and respectively replaced by the terms 'sacred or divine faith' and 'profanity' or blasphemy. They view Stalin as a Russian of the end of the 19th c. Most of the tablets were found already in by Hugo Winckler and Theodore Makridi, an Ottoman-Turkish archaeologist of Greek origin. Every law, every theory and every discussion against violence constitute the most viciously inhuman monstrosity; they herald the extinction of the Mankind. The Big Game never ended V. Advertise with us Talk with a business consultant Media kit Classifieds. Most Read. It sounds absurd, but it has already been staged managed; the Waco massacre in Texas carried out under the false Christ David Koresh did not take place for nothing. Stalin must have reasonably been deeply exacerbated and extremely enraged; the act was tantamount to betrayal of one's own land for the sake of an institution promoting a faith at the very antipodes of one's own faith; sheer madness. Lenin was a Marxist, and Stalin was a Leninist; but Stalin was a Marxist only in the sense that he was a follower and a disciple of Lenin. It is to be however reminded that these two seceded kingdoms constantly fought against one another. In Manichaeism, there is a universal conflagration. Suffice it that you empty yourself from all unnecessary misperceptions, useless biases, egoistic elements, and unsolicited assumptions that the Fallen World into which you came was devilish enough to force you to make or develop.

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