kelli folsom

Kelli folsom

No more confusion about still life composition or kelli folsom to light your setup. Capture the power of light and shadow, create form and the illusion of depth.

I hope that you see the beauty that I see and experience the excitement that I feel through every energetic brushstroke. I hope that my paintings open you up to a whole new appreciation for your world. Kelli received a B. It is here that she studied traditional life drawing, painting and sculpture with great emphasis on in-depth study and classical techniques and the joy of working in a direct impressionist style in nature. Every still life arrangement is set up in her north light studio and painted directly from life in a matter of one or two sittings. She paints directly so that her relationship to the subject is heightened in the moment in order to pass on that perception and experience to the viewer resulting in a painting that looks like a painting and not a photograph. Kelli chooses objects and arrangements to create the most aesthetically beautiful design and a feeling of abundance and intimacy.

Kelli folsom


See All Blog Posts. Maria Strouthou.


Kelli Folsom, French Jar and Nectarines, oil, 11 x This story was featured in the August issue of Southwest Art magazine. Get the Southwest Art August print issue or digital download now—then subscribe to Southwest Art and never miss another story. Although still lifes have formed the core of her work since her days as a fine-art student, says Folsom, she also portrays landscapes en plein air. My intense joy and pleasure comes from that in-the-moment interaction. Early on in her studies, the artist also zeroed in on the dramatic light-and-shadow effects captured by artists ranging from Caravaggio to Rembrandt.

Kelli folsom

Kelli Folsom is an emerging artist specializing in dramatic light and shadow still life painting. Since graduating from art school with her B. Her work has been exhibited in many museum shows, represented by several galleries, and is in numerous private collections across the country. She loves capturing the many different textures, patinas and surface qualities that can be found in still life. She feels there is no better way to get this lifelike quality into the work than by working directly from nature. She enjoys taking a great deal of time to set up the still lifes in her studio finding objects that work well together and create a visual story. She has worked to perfect a look of depth and luminosity through an alla prima painting technique. It is amazing the memorable connections we can have with things. I delight in hearing that one of my paintings reminded someone of their childhood, of gardening or cooking with their grandmother.

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Enroll today! Maria Strouthou. Learn more before you enroll ». The purpose of this podcast is to inspire, motivate, encourage, and share the real life of a working artist no matter where you are on your art journey. Join Kelli in Denver, Colorado for a week of painting instruction, inspiration, and heartfelt mentorship for every area of your art life. I would recommend her and her programs to everyone! Vickie Benton. Monte Thompson. I would highly recommend her classes and courses to anyone who is interested in oil painting. I hope that you see the beauty that I see and experience the excitement that I feel through every energetic brushstroke. Get Free Chapter. His work is currently represented in Arts at Denver Gallery.

By Molly Evans. The sky was cut in half, Oklahoma City artist Kelli Folsom remembers.

I have enjoyed every lesson and have shared my sketches with many friends. Join Kelli in Denver, Colorado for a week of painting instruction, inspiration, and heartfelt mentorship for every area of your art life. I've been taking Kelli's classes for nearly three years and have gained such confidence in painting with oils. She is so fun, kind, and motivating. Their work brings refined beauty of the highest quality that uplifts the soul and is held in the highest esteem by collectors. Mitch Birnbaum. Juliana Gilbride. Red on yellow, light on dark. I have taken some other artists online classes and have been unhappy with the way they 'withhold' information like giving you the color or color mixture leaving you guessing how they came up with that particular color. Every still life arrangement is set up in her north light studio and painted directly from life in a matter of one or two sittings. Run, don't walk to sign up! Diana Mosesov. Learn More. Kelli Folsom and Monte Thompson are academically trained artists, working exclusively from life in oils.

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