los illuminati marvel wikipedia

Los illuminati marvel wikipedia

Members of WikiProject:Timeline team are working on editing pages in response to the information revealed in the book.

The Illuminati were a covert think-tank originally consisting of Earth's most influential heroes, each representing a different political or superhuman community. They met in secret for a number of years, brought together by events too important to face as individuals. They were initially relatively successful, despite their considerable differences, each bringing with them a perspective unique to themselves. They grew increasingly divided, which each crisis seemingly spelling the group's end, only for the next to force them to reconvene. When faced with the impending end of the multiverse due to the incursions , the Illuminati were pushed further than ever before.

Los illuminati marvel wikipedia

Wanda fue representada como una refugiada sokoviana que, junto con su hermano gemelo Pietro , se ofrece como voluntaria para que Hydra experimente con ella. Esto la pone en conflicto con S. El equipo era conocido como "Cap's Kooky Quartet". Quicksilver y Bruja Escarlata fueron disputados por ambos estudios. Los estudios llegaron a un acuerdo para que ambos usaran los personajes. Maximoff se presenta por primera vez en Avengers: Age of Ultron como la hermana gemela de Quicksilver pudiendo hacer uso de la hipnosis y la telequinesis. Wanda se siente abrumada por su papel en el plan de Ultron hasta que Barton se hace su amigo y la anima a unirse a los Vengadores para detener a Ultron. Wanda ayuda significativamente a su equipo durante la batalla. A pesar de ser interceptados por el equipo de Stark, Rogers y Barnes escapan mientras que Wanda y el resto de los aliados de Rogers son capturados y detenidos en la Balsa hasta que Rogers finalmente los libera. Sin embargo, son emboscados por Proxima Midnight y Corvus Glaive , miembros de los Orden Oscura enviados para recuperar la gema de la mente. Sin embargo, se va para ayudar a los Vengadores en su lucha contra los Orden Oscura, matando a Midnight en el proceso. Al final, Stark se sacrifica para derrotar a Thanos. Cuando Rambeau menciona la muerte de Pietro a manos de Ultron, Maximoff decide expulsarla de su realidad. De la nada, recibe la visita inesperada de su hermano Pietro, con un rostro diferente.

Consultado el 3 de julio de

La «Fase tres» consta de dos crossover, Avengers: Infinity War y Avengers: Endgame estrenadas en y 19 respectivamente. Robert Downey Jr. Los tres actores aparecen juntos en The Avengers y sus secuelas. Todos los personajes anteriormente mencionados aparecen juntos en el cierre de la fase, Avengers: Endgame. Marvel Varios roles han sido re-asignados en la franquicia.

Together, the group anticipated and worked to suppress potential threats to Earth. When they grew too fearful of Hulk, they engineered a trap that sent him on a rocket into space, resulting in the Planet Hulk storyline that Thor: Ragnarok was based on. At one point, the Illuminati assembled the Infinity Gauntlet to prevent it from getting into the wrong hands. The group decided to divide the gems amongst themselves and never use them. Black Panther discovered that parallel realities were colliding together, destroying both universes involved in each collision. Captain America reluctantly used the Infinity Gauntlet to save both universes, but the effort destroyed the gems entirely.

Los illuminati marvel wikipedia

Consequently, the members of this group are the most talked about characters in Marvel right now. Although the trailer didn't necessarily reveal any potential Illuminati members, Patrick Stewart's Professor X was teased through voice, and a few other potential members of the Illuminati can be seen in the form of dark silhouettes. With tons of speculation about who exactly these shadowing silhouettes are, fans have never wondered more about the facts surrounding the group. Formed initially as a secretive think tank, the Illuminati is a group comprised of some of the most powerful minds in the Marvel Universe. Strange, each team member represents a different portion of the superhero community and wields significant influence on those in the same portion. The group initially formed within a week after the Kree-Skrull War when Iron Man realized the collective knowledge of all six members would've been able to stop the war before it even happened. Like every other superhero team in Marvel, the Illuminati have grown over time and taken in new members. Though T'Challa initially refused to join the team, citing that a secret superhero society would turn people against heroes, he did eventually join the team to help the greater good.

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Archivado desde el original el 25 de noviembre de During the next incursion, Namor led the Cabal to the other Earth, activated the antimatter injector without their knowledge, and left them to die with said Earth, preventing them from escaping through the use of an A. In addition to being an extremely powerful superhuman, he represented the multiversal Captain Britain Corps. Destroyed by Wakanda's surprise attack, Namor and Atlantis secretly surrendered to Thanos. Current Leader of the Avengers Unity Squad. Elizabeth Olsen Michaela Russell joven. Varios roles han sido re-asignados en la franquicia. The Illuminati was a clandestine council of equals. Pom Klementieff. Great scientist super-intelligent as Bruce Banner. He destroyed them but could not avert the end of the multiverse. Article Talk. Archivado desde el original el 12 de febrero de Iron Man calls the Illuminati together one more time to show them the body of the Skrull that was posing as Elektra.

And as readers of Marvel Comics know, the version of the team and its mission shown in Multiverse of Madness look just a bit different in the MCU than in the Marvel Universe of comic books. Along with Professor Charles Xavier, there are five other original Illuminati members in comics, and their hidden actions in the Marvel Universe involve everything from capturing the Infinity Stones to taking on the cosmic being the Beyonder.

Age of Ultron 4. After providing the world with a twenty-four-hour time limit to hand over the other three Illuminati who had exiled him, the Hulk approached Xavier at his mansion to determine whether he would have supported the Illuminati's plan had he been present. In the Illuminati's meeting room, Strange taunted Mordo about how he was jealous of Strange's alternate self, causing Mordo to attack Strange in anger. Los tres actores aparecen juntos en The Avengers y sus secuelas. Following M-Day , a catastrophic decimation of mutants caused by the volatile Scarlet Witch tampering with the fabric reality, Professor Xavier went missing. Scarlett Johansson c. Iron Man informs the Illuminati of the formation of a new Avengers team in light of the breakout from the Raft. Archivado desde el original el 30 de junio de While the name "Illuminati" appears to have begun as an informal name of the group used by Iron Man , the rest of the members have also adapted the name, and it grew into the "official" name of the group. Meanwhile, the Panther and Namor helped distract Doom by adding to the insurrection and confronting Victor directly. When faced with the impending end of the multiverse due to the incursions , the Illuminati were pushed further than ever before.

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