makki masjid prayer timetable

Makki masjid prayer timetable

February Time Table. Eid-ul Fitr Prayer will be held at Makki Masjid.

Readings from the Ahadeeth of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him takes place in the Masjid immediately after Fajr Salah six days of the week for approximately five minutes Sunday to Friday. We hope and pray that beginning our day with the words of wisdom from Rasulullah peace be upon him will inshallah bring barakah in our day and will be a means of gradual increase in our knowledge and practice inshallah. When: Held every day after Fajr Prayer. Visit Raudha Cemetery. None of you should promise his child something and then not give it to him.

Makki masjid prayer timetable


Turn in repentance to Allah and ask for His forgiveness, for I turn towards Him a hundred times a day.


Ramadan Time Table. Eid-ul Fitr Prayer will be held at Makki Masjid. The talk will start at am and Jamaat at am sharp! Makki Masjid provides countless services to the community including, but not limited to five time daily prayer, Jummah prayer, evening Islamic school, donation drives, etc. Below are the services held on a daily and weekly basis at Makki Masjid. Below are special services dispersed throughout the year to help the surrounding community and other in need. Madrasah Online Registration. Ainslie St Donate Now!

Makki masjid prayer timetable

Readings from the Ahadeeth of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him takes place in the Masjid immediately after Fajr Salah six days of the week for approximately five minutes Sunday to Friday. We hope and pray that beginning our day with the words of wisdom from Rasulullah peace be upon him will inshallah bring barakah in our day and will be a means of gradual increase in our knowledge and practice inshallah. When: Held every day after Fajr Prayer. First Taraweeh will be on Monday night, March 11, Visit Raudha Cemetery. None of you should promise his child something and then not give it to him. The anger of the Lord lies in the anger of the parent. Turn in repentance to Allah and ask for His forgiveness, for I turn towards Him a hundred times a day.

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Madrasah Online Registration. Daily Services Below are the services held on a daily and weekly basis at Makki Masjid. The anger of the Lord lies in the anger of the parent. Recent News. Quick History. Eid ul-Adha Prayer. Family Counselling. Makki Masjid provides countless services to the community including, but not limited to five time daily prayer, Jummah prayer, evening Islamic school, donation drives, etc. Anyone who believes in Allah and the Last Day should be generous to his guest. Visit Raudha Cemetery. When: Held every day after Fajr Prayer. Turn in repentance to Allah and ask for His forgiveness, for I turn towards Him a hundred times a day. The talk will start at am and Jamaat at am sharp!

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About Makki Masjid. Madrasah Online Registration. Masjid Services Makki Masjid provides countless services to the community including, but not limited to five time daily prayer, Jummah prayer, evening Islamic school, donation drives, etc. Official Facebook. We hope and pray that beginning our day with the words of wisdom from Rasulullah peace be upon him will inshallah bring barakah in our day and will be a means of gradual increase in our knowledge and practice inshallah. Daylight Savings Time starts on November 5th. Quote of the Day. Family Counselling. Masjid Services. Turn in repentance to Allah and ask for His forgiveness, for I turn towards Him a hundred times a day. Annual Services Below are the services held on an annual basis at Makki Masjid. When: Held every day after Fajr Prayer. Recent News. Below are the services held on a daily and weekly basis at Makki Masjid. Below are special services dispersed throughout the year to help the surrounding community and other in need.

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