salem rwby

Salem rwby

This is Thesecret

Spoilers for all works set prior to the end of Volume 8 are unmarked. And I can't wait to watch you burn. It's true that a simple spark can ignite hope, breathe fire into the hearts of the weary. The ability to derive strength from hope is undoubtedly mankind's greatest attribute, which is why I will focus all my power to snuff it out. How does it feel knowing that all of your time and effort has been for nothing, that your guardians have failed you, that everything you've built will be torn down before your very eyes?

Salem rwby

Salem [5] is an ancient, mysterious figure from Remnant's forgotten past and the primary antagonist of RWBY. She is one of the few who possesses the power of Magic , and the master of the Grimm. She is highly knowledgeable, cunning, and the leader of a cabal which operates out of Evernight Castle in the Land of Darkness. Her goals are to find the Maidens and use their powers to obtain the Relics from the Huntsman Academies. She was a part of the original Humanity , before being cursed with immortality and falling into a Grimm Pool. She was married to Ozma and had four daughters with him before their ideologies tore them apart, resulting in their children's deaths and making them mortal enemies. In " War ", it is revealed that the reason she intends on dividing Humanity is so that when the Relics are brought together, The Gods will destroy Remnant and in turn, break the curse on her allowing her to die. She is the protagonist of The Girl in the Tower , a fairy tale which details her early life. In " Ruby Rose ", the first episode of the series, Salem serves as the narrator, giving the opening voice-over for the series, but credited only as " Mysterious Narrator" in " Black and White " and " Breach " until her first on-screen appearance in the Volume 3 finale, " End of the Beginning ". In ancient times, Salem was a woman with fair skin, pale platinum blonde hair and light blue eyes. She wore most of her hair in a half up-done bun style with a small, simple bun on the top, and the remainder of her long, straight hair hanging at the bottom.

The show is about to begin.


Man, born from dust, was strong, wise, and resourceful, but he was born into an unforgiving world. An inevitable darkness — creatures of destruction — the creatures of Grimm — set their sights on man and all of his creations. These forces clashed, and it seemed the darkness was intent on returning man's brief existence to the void. However, even the smallest spark of hope is enough to ignite change, and in time, man's passion, resourcefulness, and ingenuity led them to the tools that would help even the odds. This power was appropriately named "Dust". Nature's wrath in hand, man lit their way through the darkness, and in the shadow's absence came strength, civilization, and most importantly, life. But even the most brilliant lights eventually flicker and die. And when they are gone How does it feel?

Salem rwby

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing

Pass through thesaurus

Her centuries of experience has allowed Salem near-perfect control over anyone she wishes to serve her. It has also given her a low opinion of Remnant, deeming it a "ruined world. Our work here is done. Hazel wants justice for his sister's death; when they first met, Hazel killed Salem several times before he was too tired to fight anymore. Leitmotif : Whenever Salem is on screen, instrumental refrains from the slower parts of the song "Divide" play, especially when she's scheming with her subordinates. So I'm curious, to what failures are you referring? Obviously Evil : Salem's appearance alone makes it clear she isn't a good person. God-Emperor : When Ozma first reincarnates and reunites with Salem, she convinces him that the best way to unite humanity is to do it as gods. You Have Outlived Your Usefulness : She willingly kills her own henchmen or leaves them to die if they're deemed a liability. Salem is the main antagonist of the RWBY franchise. She manipulated the brother Gods in an attempt to restore her beloved back to life, so they cursed her to prevent her from reuniting with Ozma in the afterlife.

Salem was once a lonely girl locked in a tower by her cruel father until she was rescued by Ozma, the original form of Professor Ozpin. However, after an illness took the life of her beloved she turned to the gods to revive him. After the near success, but failure, she was cursed with immortality, so she could never reunite with Ozma in the afterlife.

To this end, she tricks them into believing only she can grant their wishes; getting the loyalty of Cinder Fall, Arthur Watts, Hazel Reinhardt and Mercury Black by promising them their dreams. She can use two forms of clairvoyance, able to observe battles through her crystal ball and also conjure an image of Atlas. My mom. The God of Light later restored a weakened version of humanity and reincarnated Ozma to guide humanity back to redemption. In " War ", it is revealed that the reason she intends on dividing Humanity is so that when the Relics are brought together, The Gods will destroy Remnant and in turn, break the curse on her allowing her to die. Who Wants to Live Forever? In Volume 8, she stretches her arms from her shoulders to grab a fleeing Emerald and drag her body close to her. Humans Are Flawed : She concedes that humanity has an amazing ability to find hope in even the darkest times, a trait that makes them great , and when united they are truly a force to be reckoned with In Volume 8, when interrogating a captive Oscar, she is initially polite and cordial to create a "working relationship" with the boy, but quickly resorts to intimidation and aggression when she interprets his sarcastic attitude as an attempt to pretend to be Ozma. It's important not to lose sight of what drives us: Love, justice, reverence Knowing the god only wishes for someone to worship him the way humans worship the God of Light, she claims she came to him first because she knows only he has the power to grant what she's requesting. Although they live happily for many years and have a family together, Ozma eventually realizes that Salem's goal is to take over the entire world and kill anyone who defies them; upon discovering their children possess magic troubles Ozma, given then reasons the God of Light gave him for why humanity no longer possesses that ability, but Salem sees it as sign they should wipe out this version of humanity and replace them with their descendants. Hates Being Alone : Salem was trapped in a tower, isolated and alone, by a cruel father until rescued by a hero with whom she fell in love. After she learns in Volume 6 that her subordinates failed to obtain the Relic of Knowledge, which is being carried to Atlas by a newly reincarnated Ozpin, Salem decides to personally take action. Implacable Woman : Discussed Trope.

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