Nevertheless she persisted quote origin

Updated: Sep 9, She persisted is more than a quote, it is my story Mitch McConnell, the longest-serving Senate Republican Leader in American history, unanimously elected to lead the conference eight times since

There are many ways that American culture tells women to be quiet—many ways they are reminded that they would really be so much more pleasing if they would just smile a little more, or talk a little less, or work a little harder to be pliant and agreeable. Women are, in general, extremely attuned to these messages; we have, after all, heard them all our lives. And so: When presiding Senate chair Steve Daines, of Montana, interrupted his colleague , Elizabeth Warren, as she was reading the words of Coretta Scott King on the Senate floor on Tuesday evening—and, then, when Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell intervened to prevent her from finishing the speech—many women, regardless of their politics or place, felt that silencing, viscerally. She was given an explanation. Because, regardless of their politics or place, those women have heard the same thing, or a version of it, many times before. Nevertheless, she persisted. It accompanied tags that celebrated TheResistance.

Nevertheless she persisted quote origin

Attorney General. The expression went viral as feminists posted it on social media with hashtag references to other women. Its meaning has expanded to refer more broadly to women's persistence in breaking barriers, despite being silenced or ignored. On February 7, , the U. Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts spoke against confirmation, criticizing his record on civil rights. Senator Warren quoted a statement from by former Senator Ted Kennedy regarding Senator Sessions's nomination to federal court judge, "He is, I believe, a disgrace to the Justice Department, and he should withdraw his nomination and resign his position. Civil rights leaders, including my husband and Albert Turner , have fought long and hard to achieve free and unfettered access to the ballot box. SESSIONS has used the awesome power of his office to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens in the district he now seeks to serve as a federal judge. This simply cannot be allowed to happen. Attorney, from his politically-motivated voting fraud prosecutions to his indifference toward criminal violations of civil rights laws, indicates that he lacks the temperament, fairness and judgment to be a federal judge. While Senator Warren was reading the letter from Mrs.

She was given an explanation. The meme is, as of Wednesday morning, still going strong.


Women especially are used to being told to "talk less," so it's not really a surprise that outspoken Massachusetts Sen. But how was the "nevertheless, she persisted" incident repurposed as a feminist chant? Part of it was probably Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell's grave rhetorical error — when he commented on Warren's silencing, he made his explanation catchy. Nevertheless, she persisted. Warren's "persistence" was in continuing to read a letter written by Coretta Scott King , an iconic civil rights leader and Martin Luther King Jr. And indeed Sessions was later denied the federal judge position in part due to allegations of racially discriminatory statements, which he firmly denied. But when she got to the part of the letter criticizing Sessions, McConnell stepped in to silence her by using the obscure Senate rule 19 , which basically says senators aren't allowed to attribute to other senators "any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a senator. And McConnell made the situation even more of a feminist rallying point by allowing other Democratic senators, including Bernie Sanders, Tom Udall, and Sherrod Brown, to read the same letter without being stopped.

Nevertheless she persisted quote origin

To paraphrase Virginia Woolf , modern readers often assume that Jane Eyre: An Autobiography, published in under the ridiculous pseudonym Currer Bell , will be old-fashioned and difficult to relate to, only to be astonished by a novel that largely feels as fresh and modern today as it did in the 19 th century. Regularly adapted into new films and TV shows and still serving as the touchstone for generations of writers, Jane Eyre is a remarkable novel both in its innovation and in its enduring quality. When Jane Eyre published it was something remarkable and new, a fresh way of writing in so many ways it was astounding. Closing in on two centuries later, those innovations have been absorbed into the larger literary zeitgeist and to younger readers might not seem so special. There are, however, plenty of very good novels from the period that remain eminently readable for reference, see everything Charles Dickens wrote. It just also happens to be one of the greatest novels ever written.

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Justice will not be Served until I believe in universal healthcare. Civil rights leaders, including my husband and Albert Turner , have fought long and hard to achieve free and unfettered access to the ballot box. Senator Warren stated that she had said that only former Senator Kennedy had called Senator Sessions a disgrace, and she asked whether reading King's letter, which had been admitted into the Senate Record in , was a violation of Senate Rules. And at worst, it trivializes the courage of those in whose company it places Warren and makes a mockery of their contribution to democracy. If the Republican senators had intended to minimize Warren's message, the decision backfired—severely. I've had men tell me that I didn't know what I was talking about or they weren't interested, only to have a man tell them the same thing and think it was the best idea since sliced bread. I believe in God's mercy. Persistence is a word used to describe many people's personal brand stories and numerous business brand stories. I was not allowed to have an opinion and what I wanted did not matter. Download as PDF Printable version. If you choose to persist.

Odds are you've already seen it somewhere online, but what does "Nevertheless, she persisted" mean , and where did it come from? Here's how the whole thing went down — why it was so problematic in its original form, and how it's become a monumentally important guiding principle for the resistance and probably your next protest sign slogan , too. During the debate, Senator Warren began reading a letter from Coretta Scott King opposing Sessions' nomination to become a federal judge, in which she accused him of racial bias and said that while acting as federal prosecutor, Sessions used his position of power and authority to "chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens.

Retrieved February 26, August At this point Democrat Senator Jeff Merkley continued to read the letter without disruption or a vote to silence him. Nevertheless, she persisted. Retrieved August 5, Then Join us for the Story of Women Discussion. She had appeared to violate the rule. It was not an easy journey at all but one that was worth it given the place I find myself in now. Corporate Buzzwords Are the Worst. Some observers posited non-political reasons for the meme's proliferation. In some cases, reading these stories through the glasses of the 21st Century, I couldn't imagine wanting to bring a daughter into the world to suffer - almost better to not exist than go through what some cultures put their women through because they held such little value. To me it means to be brave enough to take on the risk and leap to the unknown. The memes won the day. Thirty hours remained in the hearings, and Democrats objected to Senator Warren's silencing. She was a middle aged woman who never married, never had kids, and lived with her parents.

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