parsi god photos

Parsi god photos

Founder of the Zoroastrianism.

Zoroastrian Parsee Beauty - Iran. Date: Parsi Fire Temple in Baku, Azerbaijan. Zoroastrianism is a religion and philosophy based on the teachings of prophet Zoroaster aka Zarathustra. Date: circa s. Colorized photo early 20th century. The Parsi Zoroastrian.

Parsi god photos

Faravahar on the top of the Zoroastrian temple, Iran. Aerial view of the ruins of the Tower of silence in the city of Yazd, Iran. A Tower of Silence is a circular, raised structure used by Zoroastrians for exposure of the dead, particularly to scavenging birds for the purposes of excarnation. Yazd is the capital of Yazd Province, Iran, and one of the main cities of Zoroastrian culture. Zoroastrianism is the world's oldest monotheistic religion. Sandstone rock with carved tombs of persian kings in Necropolis, Iran. King burial site of ancient Persia. Zoroastrian temple. Beautiful sunny day in Persia. Faravahar, zoroastrian symbol on the temple wall, Yazd, Iran. Hilltop Tower of Silence, where the bodies of the dead are left outside in the elements in accordance with Zoroastrian religious practice, outskirts of Yazd, Iran. Framed in arch. Canon EOS 5Ds, 35 mm. Zoroastrian fire temple Atash Behram in Yazd old city, Iran.

Remains of Zoroastrian temples and settlements in Yazd, Iran. Emblem of Ahura Mazda.

School Of Athens By Raphael. Faravahar symbol on a Fire Temple in Yazd, Iran. Magus, Persian priests of Antiquity. Persian religious leader, also known as Zarathustra. Founder of Zoroastrianism. Zoroaster speaking with Goshtasb, the King of Persia. Painting from a Zoroastrian temple in Isfahan, Iran.

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Parsi god photos

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Faravahar Zoroastrian Symbol. Painting from a Zoroastrian temple in Isfahan, Iran. Tetradrachm Coin Portraying King Gotarzes, India: 'A Parsee Merchant', Gujarat, late 19th century engraving. Magic Bowl and an Ostrakon, Iran, 9thth century. Sandstone rock with carved tombs of persian kings in Necropolis, Zoroastrianism is a religion and philosophy based on the teachings of prophet Zoroaster aka Zarathustra. Ahura Mazda - relief of ruined Persepolis. English United States. The iStock design is a trademark of iStockphoto LP. A peaceful and fascinating summer day surrounded by the mystery and beauty of Ancient Persepolis in Iran. Zoroastrian Tower of Silence framed in arch, Yazd, Iran. These rituals are deeply ingrained within the community's identity. Parsis in Bombay, c. Date:


Sort by: Most popular. Painting from a Zoroastrian fire temple in Yazd, Iran. Poster with hand drawn design of wheatgrass or Sabzeh with red ribbon and some leaves that represents the rebirth and fertility in Nowruz written in Persian celebration. Persian religious leader, also known as Zarathustra. Vintage halftone circa late 19th century. Zoroastrianism is the world's oldest monotheistic religion. Lamassu sculpture - human-headed winged bull on the entrance to Fire temple in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Relief depicting the crowning ceremony of Ardasir I and his son Shapur I. Faravahar on the top of the Zoroastrian temple. The bride and groom kneel on a bed between two priests. It is one of the few existent ziggurats outside of Mesopotamia. Soldiers of historical empire in ancient city Persepolis, Iran. Persian King worshipping Ahura Mazda.

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