real life vore

Real life vore

Return to General Vore Discussion. Google [Bot]'s Userpage No Messages.

Log In or Create an Account. Log In Create an Account. Like Mircea's stuff? Support them by sending some Shinies their way! I posted this on a forum, but thought to paste it in a journal too. So, here it is: This is something I've been thinking about for the last few days, and thought might bring more life into the forum as well as be an interesting debate. What do you think would be required for soft vore to be safely done in real life?

Real life vore

Return to General Vore Discussion. Google [Bot]'s Userpage No Messages. Account Configuration Blog setup Private Messages. How to simulate vore in real life? Keep our community informed! This forum is for discussing and sharing vore-related information. Forum rules This is for general discussion, if you found something you want to post, please use one of the upload forum , if you made something and want to share them, please use the work to be shared forum! Re: How to simulate vore in real life? For eating someone, you could let yourself get hungry, close your eyes, and imagine you are eating someone and somehow enter a state of tranquility and peace so that you can trick your mind into making muscle memory for swallowing a human or other creature-sized object and fill in the blanks for how hair, skin, legs, etc might taste like. With enough imagination loaded in your brain, anything is mentally possible.

This could be achieved in two different ways: Either the predator breathes fresh air in their stomach every 30 seconds at mostor the prey goes in with a hose that leads outside and they can real life vore through. The second would require the pred to accept having a hose leading from their maw into their stomach, which would prolly feel like patients with ulcer problems who have that done to them in the hospital, real life vore. No matter what you're into, if your partner is open-minded and halfway-compatible they're not going to run away just because of a fetish.


Vore is a fetish for eating, but not in the traditional sense. Fantasies typically revolve around eating people or creatures, or being eaten by them, either by swallowing them whole or in bites. There also tends to be crossover with groups such as furries people interested — either sexually or otherwise — in anthropomorphic animal characters and macrophiliacs those with a fetish for giants. These have proliferated, giving people an outlet for their fetish, and a way to indulge it without judgement or fear. We spoke to E, a year-old vorearephiliac from Massachusetts in the US. E told Metro. It has always existed as one of many lenses through which I have experienced my life. It took a lot of personal growth and soul-searching to become comfortable with vore as a part of my sexuality.

Real life vore

Log In or Create an Account. Log In Create an Account. Using my sculpting skills and experience with soft rubbers that mimic mouth tissue.

Electoral calculus

Also, I am willing to lower my activity or completely disappear from indulging in vore for the right person. But later on with vore it would be role play stuff. Like mentioned above, people who are into it are rare, even multiple times more rare with similar interests. Enough so the prey isn't squeezed too hard inside the predator, and the predator doesn't have his insides forced from swallowing something too big. If you are a prey, it becomes less easy, unless you are fine with being together with a fellow prey. What I found was, 1st-3rd date is too early, but 1y mark is too late, best to reveal it with confidence and a sense of humor around the month mark. Re: Vore in real life relationships by Lonnie » Sun Mar 13, am As a feminine-aligned prey interested in only men, I imagine it would be too difficult to find a partner that was into it at all. This website uses cookies to enhance your browsing experience. She was a psychology major and quite open minded about bizarre fetish. Snakes such as anacondas aren't an option either, due to their stomachs also crushing their food before attempting to digest it sad thing vore-wise, but it's how things are. SJFPD wrote: I just need someone who would be chill with it, is anyone here in a relationship and do you actually do vore stuff with your partner? Early on, I curated a folder of vore art just for him, and didn't hold back including some particularly well-drawn bloody hard vore. Step2: fill it with lemon dna thingy for realistic sensation or fill it with lemon juice for fantastical sensation ps:don't fill it too much.

First Tummy Gurgles! Starving Gut.

The person would then securely tie one end of the rope to a solid object such as a wall or pillar, and secure one end of the hose in the same spot. But I know that one's more full on than roleplay so I wouldn't ask that until way further down the line. Because human beings who possess empathy and have an actual capacity for emotion do not think this way. Explain it in an intimate way of being one with your SO, get them used to or even into the idea. A lot of it will have to do with the stomach growling like after she swallows said gummy bear I'd want to listen to her tummy digesting away. If you are a prey, it becomes less easy, unless you are fine with being together with a fellow prey. Snakes such as anacondas aren't an option either, due to their stomachs also crushing their food before attempting to digest it sad thing vore-wise, but it's how things are. We married 7 years ago. I got lucky, but it's not so unlikely. Early on, I curated a folder of vore art just for him, and didn't hold back including some particularly well-drawn bloody hard vore. The hose would need to be strong enough and not risk getting gutted or ripped. How to simulate vore in real life? We were friends before we started dating and it was no secret that he liked anthros, now I may enjoy humanoids more but he says I'm the first person he can show furry porn to, which we browse together frequently. Re: Vore in real life relationships by axles » Tue Mar 01, am Just to give an idea I have a boyfriend who isn't into vore. Otherwise, it's an addiction because I'm letting it get in the way of real life.

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