scp 001 scarlet king

Scp 001 scarlet king

Khahrahkalso known as Shormaush Urdal or the Scarlet Kingis a powerful eldritch god, who seeks the end of all creation.

More of Tufto's work can be found here. Special Containment Procedures: Following the recent investigations of Dr. Robert Montauk, no action is currently needed to contain SCP It is functionally self-containing, and any Foundation interference may harm or alter its containment irreversibly. No Foundation personnel are to engage with any new matters related to SCP, with the exception of related anomalies already in Foundation containment. SCP is currently located in several alternate dimensions simultaneously, and is unable to enter into the prime dimension. However, it is believed to have been repeatedly attempting entry for a period of several thousand under years.

Scp 001 scarlet king

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Any act of removing this villain from the category without a Removal Proposal shall be considered vandalism or a futile "heroic" attempt of redemption and the user will have high chances of being terminated blocked. You cannot make said Removal Proposal without permission from an admin first. Additional Notice : This template is meant for admin maintenance only. Users who misuse the template will be blocked for a week minimum. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. He is an ancient and evil god worshiped by groups such as the Children of the Scarlet King as a ruthless powerful monarch often tied to the destruction of the current world as we know it. He is one of the many anomalies proposed for the title of " SCP ", an entry originally written for the Doomsday Contest. His fist are described as massive and gnarled, holding the chains of his consorts and concubines.

It was necessary, back in the day, to check up on what your scp 001 scarlet king were doing to his daughters. You didn't, of course, and what you do each day to that poor girl is little more than mere cruelty.

The heat of his night time fever was being brushed away entirely by the breeze as the light mists evaporated. The same process that was happening around him, was happening within him too. He was being reborn with the morning. Overview: The Children of the Scarlet King are a series of independent churches, organizations, or movements associated with the entity known as "the Scarlet King". While their exact doctrine varies between organizations, said doctrine often includes a series of key themes, documented in detail in the "Beliefs" section of this report.

More of Tufto's work can be found here. Special Containment Procedures: Following the recent investigations of Dr. Robert Montauk, no action is currently needed to contain SCP It is functionally self-containing, and any Foundation interference may harm or alter its containment irreversibly. No Foundation personnel are to engage with any new matters related to SCP, with the exception of related anomalies already in Foundation containment. SCP is currently located in several alternate dimensions simultaneously, and is unable to enter into the prime dimension. However, it is believed to have been repeatedly attempting entry for a period of several thousand under years. SCP's physical, mental and conceptual properties are unknown to the Foundation; nevertheless, it continues to assert a strong influence on a number of individuals and events within the prime dimension. It is believed that SCP's existence represents an ongoing but dormant Tashkent-Class "Cross-Pollination" Scenario 1 ; should SCP enter the prime timeline, an irreparable alteration to normalcy will occur.

Scp 001 scarlet king

The heat of his night time fever was being brushed away entirely by the breeze as the light mists evaporated. The same process that was happening around him, was happening within him too. He was being reborn with the morning. Overview: The Children of the Scarlet King are a series of independent churches, organizations, or movements associated with the entity known as "the Scarlet King". While their exact doctrine varies between organizations, said doctrine often includes a series of key themes, documented in detail in the "Beliefs" section of this report. The origins of the Children are difficult to trace; while worship of the Scarlet King has been recorded as far back as the s BCE, the composite elements of modern sects first appeared in the early days of the Daevite Empire , circa BCE, as a state religion. Additionally, although certain sects can be traced back to this order, many developed independent of it, even in civilizations with no known contact with the Daevites. Many such traditions appear to have initially begun without any reference to the King. The Foundation's prevailing theory is that individual sects begin when an individual or subculture makes contact with the Scarlet King.

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This concept was then shaped by the encroachment of modernity into the old world and the clash between the two. Every measurement, every angle was calculated to promote the King's ideology. It's all so very simple. PoI What happened to Jacob, doctor? I like you, Montauk. The past was brutal, but it was also real. Montauk: You know it strikes me as odd. Montauk: The "law of blood" is referenced a few times in quite a few places. With few exceptions, all individuals associated with the Children are to be killed on sight. You thought the King had taken your brother, so you decided to hurt the King. The last thing I remember was being sliced by a nomad sword, of a frail urn being held high, of seven brides being ripped from a castle- or were they ripped from a field, taken as the spoils of war by some obscure tribe in some lost steppe? It's just their eyes. Like so many of us, struggling to live while you Westerners grew fatter on our forgotten wealth. I am sorry I asked.

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site.

And he can only, in the end, destroy them all. The Scarlet King is stated to be powerful enough to threaten all of Creation and the Tree of Knowledge itself, making him a multiversal threat. I know you're curious. Pure Evil Terms. Villains Wiki. Because most people believed that the Scarlet King was an ancient demonic god determined to end all existence, it became so, although it can be interpreted that destroying the world means to only destroy the current state of the world and return humanity to ancient feudalism, which would also result in him completing his mission and ceasing to exist. Over the years, there have been many attempts to create an official diagnostic by which the SCP Foundation can separate the Children from other groups of interest. Filename: cotsk. PoI You shoot me, let them take my corpse, go back to your life. Look, I'm sorry, I don't mean to dredge these old wounds up for you- Dr. In my ear, he hums a tune: Rest now, my darling child. These have been curated, categorised and included by the former O herself with the permission of O, in order to provide some context to this re-evaluation.

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