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She first came to prominence in the late s as the lead singer of the indie rock band Theaudience. After the group disbanded, Ellis-Bextor went solo and achieved success beginning in the early s. Her music is a mixture of mainstream pop , disco , nu-disco , and s electronic music influences. Ellis-Bextor's third studio album, Trip the Light Fantastic , peaked at number seven in the UK and its lead single " Catch You " reached the top ten. Ellis-Bextor was born in London to Janet Ellis , who was a presenter on BBC 's children's television programmes Blue Peter and Jigsaw , and Robin Bextor , a film producer and director; they separated when she was four. She attended St. Among her earliest public performances were some with the W11 Opera children's opera beginning at age 13, and she is now a patron of the organisation. Ellis-Bextor has said, "I didn't see myself as a good-looking girl and that was good, because I didn't rely on it. I've now found lots of like-minded weirdos, so it's OK. Ellis-Bextor began her professional musical career in while singing lead vocals in indie band Theaudience. Videos for the band's singles were directed by her father, Robin Bextor. While in Theaudience, readers of Melody Maker voted Ellis-Bextor number five in a poll of 'most sexy people in rock'. The band split in after demos for a planned second album were rejected by their label Mercury Records , who then dropped the band.

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