What does the movie rating ctc mean

Age ratings and content warnings on classification labels provide people with information and warnings about films, shows and games. On the label is a classification symbol and usually a content warning indicating the type of content in a film or video game that may be of concern to the viewer - for example, whether the film contains violence or sex. You will find the labels displayed in cinemas, on streaming platforms, on video and DVD cases, as part of film trailers and on advertising material such as posters and online listings, and in some cases, on magazines, what does the movie rating ctc mean, books or music CDs.

The Australian Classification Board and Classification Review Board are government-funded organisations that classify all films and games that are released for public exhibition. The Exempt classification can be used to rate special programs, given that they do not exceed the constraints of the PG classification. The Australian Classification Board participates in the International Age Rating Coalition in the context of classifying computer games. Exempt from classification. Films that are exempt from classification are usually about general information that is not purposed to entertain.

What does the movie rating ctc mean

A motion picture content rating system classifies films based on their suitability for audiences due to their treatment of issues such as sex, violence, or substance abuse, their use of profanity, or other matters typically deemed unsuitable for children or adolescents. Most countries have some form of rating system that issues determinations variously known as certifications , classifications , certificates , or ratings. Age recommendations, of either an advisory or restrictive capacity, are often applied in lieu of censorship ; in some jurisdictions movie theaters may have a legal obligation to enforce restrictive ratings. In countries such as Australia and Singapore, an official government body decides on ratings; in other countries such as the United States, it is done by industry committees with little if any official government status. In most countries, however, films that are considered morally offensive have been censored, restricted, or banned. Even if the film rating system has no legal consequences, and a film has not explicitly been restricted or banned, there are usually laws forbidding certain films, or forbidding minors to view them. The influence of specific factors in deciding a rating varies from country to country. Other factors may or may not influence the classification process, such as being set within a non-fictional historical context, whether the film glorifies violence or drug use, whether said violence or drug use is carried out by the protagonist, with whom the viewer should empathize, or by the antagonist. In Germany, for example, films depicting explicit war violence in a real war context such as the Second World War are handled more leniently than films with purely fictional settings. A film may be produced with a particular rating in mind. It may be re-edited if the desired rating is not obtained, especially to avoid a higher rating than intended. A film may also be re-edited to produce a different version for other countries.

Frightening or intense scenes should "not disturb a reasonable adult". Archived from the original PDF on 1 August The United Arab Emirates has had a form of an age rating system for theatrical films since circa early s, established under the federal Press and Publications Law, and originally authorised by the Ministry of Information and Culture —

The Australian Classification Board ACB or CB is an Australian government statutory body responsible for the classification and censorship of films, video games and publications for exhibition , sale or hire in Australia. The Department of Communications and the Arts provided administrative support to the ACB from until , when it was merged into the 'mega department' of the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications. The ACB is made up of a director, a deputy director, and three other board members, appointed by the government for three- or four-year terms, and temporary board members. The ACB does not directly censor material by ordering cuts or changes. However, it is able to effectively censor media by refusing classification and making the media illegal for hire, exhibition and importation to Australia. The classification system has several levels of "restricted" categories, prohibiting sale, exhibition or use of some materials to those who are under a prescribed age.

A motion picture content rating system classifies films based on their suitability for audiences due to their treatment of issues such as sex, violence, or substance abuse, their use of profanity, or other matters typically deemed unsuitable for children or adolescents. Most countries have some form of rating system that issues determinations variously known as certifications , classifications , certificates , or ratings. Age recommendations, of either an advisory or restrictive capacity, are often applied in lieu of censorship ; in some jurisdictions movie theaters may have a legal obligation to enforce restrictive ratings. In countries such as Australia and Singapore, an official government body decides on ratings; in other countries such as the United States, it is done by industry committees with little if any official government status. In most countries, however, films that are considered morally offensive have been censored, restricted, or banned.

What does the movie rating ctc mean

Hey there fellow movie buff! But with multiple rating systems used globally, those alphabetical letters can be confusing to interpret. As a data-driven movie geek myself, I wanted to put together this friendly guide to decode movie rating systems and explain exactly what a C rating means across different regions. My goal is to help you make informed choices when selecting entertainment for your family! The voluntary MPAA rating system has been around since , classifying every theatrical film release. As you surely know, their ratings are:. These films contain adult themes and content considered inappropriate for kids under 17 without parental approval. Their classifications are:. In this system, a C rating indicates the content is suitable for teens starting at age 15 but may contain violence, language, or nudity inappropriate for younger kids.

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Archived from the original on 24 June Themes may have a moderate sense of threat or menace, if justified by context. Classification is mandatory, and films that are Refused Classification by the ACB are legally banned for sale, hire or public exhibition. This means unaccompanied tamariki can watch but some scenes may be scary. The recommendations made by the ABMC are generally not legally binding and there are nine sets of state laws on the cinema sector with different age provisions. Archived PDF from the original on 9 June X-Citement Video, Inc. Retrieved 17 February Stylised violence, however, can be "more detailed". Make a classification request. Can I take my baby to a restricted film?

Should you watch a movie? There are a few good reasons you would want to avoid reading reviews, or watching a trailer, although they bring much more information than a rating. Second, it could be that you want an uninfluenced experience of watching that movie.

Verkhovna Rada. For more information about classification labels contact the Information Unit. The content is mild in impact. If the rating is implemented, the non-restricted classifications would read like this: [18]. Retrieved 23 February Nudity is permitted, but in a sexual context it should "not be exploitative". The restricted publications are for adults and they are not to be sold to people under 18 and in Queensland under state law. The following age limits apply to films: []. Content is classified RC if their content exceeds the guidelines which are very high in impact and exceeds the moral standards of adults. The sale of sexually explicit material was eventually banned in all of Australia's six states. Kazakhstan: Ministry of Education and Science. Australian Classification Board, 25 June Ohio Miller v. Retrieved 29 August

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