

A medida que la guerra llegaba a su fin, las sospechas de Windu acerca de las intenciones del Canciller fueron aumentando, sobretodo debido al control casi dictatorial de Palpatine sobre el Senado. Sin embargo, Myr intervino ordenando windu Windu que bajase windu sable de luz, windu.

A grim Jedi Master with an amethyst-bladed lightsaber, Mace Windu was the champion of the Jedi Order, with little tolerance for the failings of the Senate, the arguments of politicians, or the opinions of rebellious Jedi. As the Clone Wars intensified, Mace sensed the dark side of the Force at work, and knew the Jedi's enemies were plotting to destroy the Order and end its stewardship of the galaxy. In the last years of the Republic , Mace Windu felt strange currents at work in the Force. Anakin, Mace felt, was too old to dedicate himself to the Force without being distracted by his emotional attachments. Mace never stopped doubting young Skywalker, and his ill-concealed distrust would cast a shadow over their relationship as Anakin ascended the Jedi ranks. As the Separatist crisis engulfed the galaxy, Mace warned Chancellor Palpatine that the Jedi were too few to defend the Republic in case of war. Mace struck down the bounty hunter Jango Fett , but the Separatist hordes overwhelmed his forces.


There are two conflicting sources for this article: Mace Windu in the Encyclopedia content now obsolete ; backup link and Star Wars Jedi Pocket Expert. Lucasfilm has not established a cohesive timeline regarding this subject. Editor discretion is advised. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. He was the greatest champion of the Jedi Order and promoted its ancient traditions amidst the growing influence of the dark side of the Force in the corrupt, declining days of the Republic. Throughout the war, Windu served the Jedi and the Republic in various capacities—on the battlefield in command of the clone army , on Coruscant as an overseer of the war effort and an advisor to Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine , and even as a diplomat to contested worlds , despite his disdain of politics. His exploits on the frontline served as a reminder of his reputation as a renowned Jedi warrior. As the war drew to a close, Windu became increasingly suspicious of the chancellor's motives, as Palpatine had amassed near-dictatorial control over the Galactic Senate , and sensed the rising power of the dark side in the galaxy. Instead, the Dark Lord attacked them, striking them down one by one until only Windu was left. Windu bested Palpatine in the confrontation and—deciding the chancellor was too dangerous to be left alive due to his influence over the government—prepared to strike him down, but the intervention of Anakin Skywalker, who betrayed Windu and saved the chancellor's life, led to Windu's death. As a result, Skywalker fell to the temptation of the dark side and was renamed Darth Vader.

Kenobi followed the source of the clone army, the bounty hunter Windu Fettto the planet Geonosis where he reported another discovery to Windu and Yoda, windu, both of whom witnessed his transmission in the Chancellor's office. Star Wars. Had this battle gone differently, windu, the entire fate of windu galaxy would have been changed forever.

The many battles of the Star Wars universe have served to prove the simple fact that each story is a constant fight for power between good and evil. From the Galactic Civil War to the Resistance vs. But with each victory for the light, there were also instances where evil came out on top. These particular victories also turned the galaxy on its head and led to some of the most devastating moments in Star Wars. The best example of this came after the death of Mace Windu and the execution of Order 66 when the Galactic Empire seized control.

Not only was Windu one of the most powerful Jedi of his time, but he was also the most devoted to his cause. He spent much of his life battling his darker emotions, and he might have had more in common with Anakin Skywalker than he cared to acknowledge. Controlling what Windu considered to be his negative emotions were a challenge for the Jedi Master into adulthood. Nothing upset Windu more than a fellow Jedi betraying their ideals. This was because, more than almost any other Jedi, Windu was devoted to maintaining the way of the Jedi. This was way before Anakin Skywalker sent Windu sailing out of a senate office window like an electrified hacky sack. Early in the Clone Wars, Windu was sent to investigate a planet called Hissrich.


A grim Jedi Master with an amethyst-bladed lightsaber, Mace Windu was the champion of the Jedi Order, with little tolerance for the failings of the Senate, the arguments of politicians, or the opinions of rebellious Jedi. As the Clone Wars intensified, Mace sensed the dark side of the Force at work, and knew the Jedi's enemies were plotting to destroy the Order and end its stewardship of the galaxy. In the last years of the Republic , Mace Windu felt strange currents at work in the Force. Anakin, Mace felt, was too old to dedicate himself to the Force without being distracted by his emotional attachments. Mace never stopped doubting young Skywalker, and his ill-concealed distrust would cast a shadow over their relationship as Anakin ascended the Jedi ranks. As the Separatist crisis engulfed the galaxy, Mace warned Chancellor Palpatine that the Jedi were too few to defend the Republic in case of war. Mace struck down the bounty hunter Jango Fett , but the Separatist hordes overwhelmed his forces. Mace refused to surrender, and only the arrival of Yoda and the clone army prevented his death in battle. Mace spent much of the Clone Wars on Coruscant , directing the Jedi in their perilous role of wartime leaders.

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When the Separatists invaded the planet Malastare , homeworld of the Dug species , Windu again took to the field commanding Republic forces with the assistance of Commander Ponds and General Skywalker. Windu strongly objected on the ground of Jedi morality, however. During the fight, Windu swiftly killed Jango Fett with relative ease, decapitating the bounty hunter, as Boba Fett —a clone whom Jango regarded as a son—watched in horror. Following Fett's arrest, Windu attended the funeral of the Rodian senator Onaconda Farr , who was assassinated by his personal aide , Lolo Purs. Jackson as Mace Windu. Following the a terrorist explosion in a hangar of the Jedi Temple, the Council recalled Skywalker and his apprentice to Coruscant. Skywalker regarded Windu with high esteem because of his adherence to Jedi doctrine, referring to him as a true defender of the Jedi Order's principles. Unknown to the Jedi, the slave Shmi Skywalker had given birth to a son who was exceptionally powerful with the Force; because of Anakin's inherent potential and the circumstances surrounding his birth, Jinn believed Anakin could have been conceived by the midi-chlorians. Palpatine : « Debemos ayudar a Jabba. We must never waver in the face of that fire.

But they respected each other and were friends; now, Windu will honor the memory of his fallen Jedi brother with a special mission. Set after the death of Qui-Gon at the hands of Darth Maul , a saddened Mace Windu finds himself thrust into an adventure upon receiving a posthumous message from Jinn.

After considering Palpatine's line of reasoning, Windu agreed to send Skywalker to speak with the chancellor. Although Skywalker insisted that the Jedi should hunt the renegade clone and bring him to justice, Windu was content to let the matter go, preferring to not become entangled in a vendetta as Fett was against him. Jedi Order Galactic Republic. Due to the monastery's heavy fortification, Windu instructed the troopers to stand by and await Republic reinforcements. Creo que es Ventress. He refused to support the Dugs of Malastare when they proposed to kill the Zillo Beast, which he correctly presumed to be the last of its species. As punishment, they temporarily reassigned her to serve as a guard in the Jedi Archives of the Temple. Having learned that Katri's seat on the High Council would be offered to Windu, Dooku grew suspicious of his friend. Windu's reservations were overshadowed by the start of the Clone Wars. As a reference for Jackson's iconic role in the film Pulp Fiction the crew presented him with a lightsaber "BMF" engraved on the hilt, standing for the phrase " bad motherfucker ". The ordeal served to remind Windu of his mission on Mathas years prior to the Clone Wars, in which he was tempted to take the life of the false prophet Drooz.

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