Yellow diamond steven universe

After all the damage I've done, it's only right to use my powers for a little reconstructive work on the Gems I've hurt.

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Yellow Diamond is the secondary antagonist of the Steven Universe franchise.

Yellow diamond steven universe

From the thinnest flake of mica to the deepest, hardest stone, we all must make sacrifices for the sake of our perfect empire! The first Diamond to be mentioned and the second to make an appearance. She commands Homeworld's military, is in charge of the Cluster geo-weapon project, and is the yellow Gem depicted on the mural from "Serious Steven". She briefly appears in the extended theme song , and premieres properly in "Message Received". The flashback from Pink's point-of-view showed Yellow being cold and distant towards her, treating her like a nuisance while she was planning an invasion, and implying she doesn't view Pink as an equal, throwing an Acting Your Intellectual Age question at her younger Cheerful Child fellow Diamond. However, "Familiar" reveals that Pink always managed to make her laugh, implying that Yellow wasn't all cold towards her. Anger Born of Worry : While she legitimately cares for Blue and Pink, the only ways she seems to know how to show her concern is to put on a professional face and reprimand them, upgrading to anger when it persists. She meets with Blue at the Human Zoo in " That Will Be All " to remind her that she is shirking her responsibilities, revealing her vulnerable side only at the end of her Villain Song. In the beginning of " Legs From Here to Homeworld ", the first thing she does is demand an explanation for everything that has happened why Steven looks and sounds nothing like Pink, why Pink faked her death, etc. Anguished Declaration of Love : Non-romantic example. As she sings to Blue, they will always miss Pink Diamond: "Yes, of course we still love her, and we're always thinking of her Anti-Regeneration : Her lighting doesn't just poof Gems, it can keep them from regenerating for days. Ascended Meme : With every single occurrence of the fandom depicting her as a giraffe with a stretchable neck, it eventually happens during a dream sequence in "Together Alone". Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance : Both her shoulders and upper torso resemble armor, and she has a warlike and overtly aggressive personality compared to Blue Diamond. The Atoner : In "Homeworld Bound", it's revealed that she now seeks to make up for her "awful" Gem experiments by fixing the Gems she once shattered.

While she acts like an yellow diamond steven universe Jerkass most of the time, yellow diamond steven universe, it's clear that she cares deeply about Blue and Pink Diamond, and hates having to punish those who do not conform to Homeworld's ways — she just doesn't admit it. Yellow also aided in unleashing the Corrupting Light when combining her powers with White and Blue Diamond at the end of the Rebellion with the intent of obliterating every Gem left on Earth's surface. It's Personal : It's pretty clear from what's seen of Jasper that the Homeworld Gems who remember the war hold a certain degree of hate for Earth and the Crystal Gems.


From the thinnest flake of mica to the deepest, hardest stone, we all must make sacrifices for the sake of our perfect empire! The first Diamond to be mentioned and the second to make an appearance. She commands Homeworld's military, is in charge of the Cluster geo-weapon project, and is the yellow Gem depicted on the mural from "Serious Steven". She briefly appears in the extended theme song , and premieres properly in "Message Received". The flashback from Pink's point-of-view showed Yellow being cold and distant towards her, treating her like a nuisance while she was planning an invasion, and implying she doesn't view Pink as an equal, throwing an Acting Your Intellectual Age question at her younger Cheerful Child fellow Diamond. However, "Familiar" reveals that Pink always managed to make her laugh, implying that Yellow wasn't all cold towards her. Anger Born of Worry : While she legitimately cares for Blue and Pink, the only ways she seems to know how to show her concern is to put on a professional face and reprimand them, upgrading to anger when it persists.

Yellow diamond steven universe

You stood your ground on that little speck called Earth But you're on our world now. I want my cluster, and I want that planet to die. She is also Steven's former arch-nemesis. Yellow Diamond has a massive size and height due to her being a Diamond. She has bright yellow eyes with diamond pupils, black eyebrows, pump lips, a pointed and upturned nose, and an unusually long neck. Her hair which many fans speculated to be a helmet is a short bob with two spiked tips. She wears a black and olive bodysuit and a yellow coat with very large shoulder pads, gloves, and dark olive yellow boots. Yellow Diamond's gem is located on the middle of her chest. The long coattail seen in her episode debut was changed to just only a short one in the episode "That Will Be All", but retains the original later in "The Trial".

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However, the death of Pink Diamond emotionally devastated her, to the point that she seeks to destroy Earth in retaliation. Yellow Diamond sends a group of Rubies to the Earth to locate and retrieve Jasper. After mending her relationship with White, Yellow appears to be much happier and closer with her fellow Diamonds. When we thought Pink was shattered, when she abandoned us, I alone was there for you, and you would use your power against ME?! She has a bigger one in "Change Your Mind" , when Steven questions how perfect a society that's forcing her to harm her own family is and it hits her she attacked Blue. Peridot describes Yellow Diamond as "the most perfect, the most reasonable, rational, efficient decider ever to exist in the universe. When Pink Diamond was trying to get her attention, Yellow Diamond manhandling her was out of line but she stops Pink cold by asking her why she doesn't act like a Diamond if she wants to be treated like one. That said, at least part of it seems to be motivated out of hate for the rebellion and Rose shattering Pink Diamond. She joins everyone else to help Steven. Dragon-in-Chief : She's generally acted as the public face of the Diamond Authority in Era 2, since Blue has been in mourning since the war and White was confined to her ship.

After all the damage I've done, it's only right to use my powers for a little reconstructive work on the Gems I've hurt. In particular, she commanded her now-disbanded military and oversaw Gem production on her colonies. She was first shown in the extended theme song before making her official debut in " Message Received ".

My Greatest Failure : In "Reunited" , it's revealed that she didn't believe that Pink was ready for a colony, but she gave it to her anyway so she'd stop whining. Greg ":. And now, I'm to blame for her fate. However, Yellow now isn't afraid to laugh herself to tears in front of others, and while she still wishes to remain professional, she is about to "let loose" more often. After the call is over, Yellow Diamond remotely detonates the Diamond Communicator in anger. I do everything you ask and I do it all perfectly. During the trial against Rose Quartz Steven , Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond have conflicting views on the trial process; Yellow wants to get it over with and execute Steven, but Blue wants to hear Rose out and learn the truth. This turns out to be doubly petty with The Reveal Homeworld is running low on resources. Given that she comforts Blue when discussing White Diamond, braces herself as they reach Homeworld, and takes the lead and intends to do the talking and therefore draw the ire of White, it appears that when the Diamonds interact Yellow puts herself between the sensitive Blue, weird silly "Pink", and the one Diamond unquestionably scarier and more powerful than they are. When Pink Diamond was trying to get her attention, Yellow Diamond manhandling her was out of line but she stops Pink cold by asking her why she doesn't act like a Diamond if she wants to be treated like one. Click here to see her mural. When Steven complains that it's hard to talk with White Diamond, Yellow Diamond tells him that getting two and a half words in a conversation with White is a record.

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