yin yang moon phases

Yin yang moon phases

Since the dawn of time, humans have wondered if the moon pulls at us with something more than just its beautiful light. We are, yin yang moon phases all, 70 per cent water. If we, in our modern times, can start to tune ourselves back into the same cycle of time — the yin and yang of time — we can become co-creators of our lives.

This means that I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you if you follow one of my links and end up making a purchase. Do you follow the moon cycle? But does the moon have any meaningful effect on human behavior? In this post, find out how the phases of the moon affect us and how you can use the lunar cycle to live a more balanced life of flow and alignment. To best understand how we can flow with cyclical lunar energy, we need to first understand the basics of yin-yang duality. It represents the ancient Chinese philosophy of duality and balance. But what exactly are the two dualities when it comes to yang and yin energy, and why do we need both?

Yin yang moon phases

Are you like me? Oh you are like me….. Okay modern day goddesses, shall we begin? Below are the four moon phases and what I feel is the must-know moon information. Think about the season of winter. The days grow shorter, the nights grow longer, darkness takes over. The colder temperatures drive us inside and often times cause feelings of solitude and isolation. Mother nature assumes a period of death where almost all living plants shed their livelihood and animals hibernate and rest. It is indeed a fertile void during this season, and yet a powerful process is happening within, beneath the surface, undetectable to the human eye. It is the process of the pause.

The colder temperatures drive us inside and often times cause feelings of solitude and isolation.


Yin and yang are ancient Chinese concepts that refer to two opposite principles that exist in all things. The yin and yang balance is believed to be essential to the natural balance of the universe. In traditional Chinese culture, The yin and yang moon refers to the two lunar phases of a waxing yin and waning yang moon, which are interpreted as symbolizing the cyclical nature of all things. The yin and yang moon is a powerful symbol of harmony and balance that has been used in many forms of art and literature throughout Chinese history. Yin and Yang is a fundamental concept in Chinese philosophy and culture. It originated from the ancient Chinese belief in the interplay of two opposite forces in nature. Yin represents the feminine, passive, and negative force, while Yang represents the masculine, active, and positive force. The concept is based on the observation that everything in the universe has a complementary and interconnected relationship , and that balance and harmony can be achieved by balancing the Yin and Yang energies. The Yin and Yang symbol is a circular symbol divided into two interlocking halves.

Yin yang moon phases

The Five Phases theory, a. Personalities like Lao Tzu, Confucius and Mencius, as well as many emperors and outstanding politicians have been inspired by the ideas and way of thinking expressed by the School of Yin Yang. The adepts of this school believed in a universal principle in which all existing phenomena fit. They were named the Naturalists, and their domains of interest ranged from astronomy and astrology, to alchemy, healing and even philosophy and geomancy.

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This is the first testing phase of the month. When we follow the moon cycle, we use the new moon as an opportunity for us to begin a fresh cycle as well. Transformative Travel? In fact, just learning how to tap into the ancient energy of the moon and then incorporating it into your life and, more particularly, your goal-setting, can bring great comfort into a stressed, modern life. But please remember, you get to choose what most interests you! This flow between yin and yang energy is not always clear cut and dramatic. This phase involves the feeling-moving body. It is indeed a fertile void during this season, and yet a powerful process is happening within, beneath the surface, undetectable to the human eye. Ancient wisdoms and cultures knew this: they would use the moon to farm, to conceive, to celebrate milestones. This phase is all about trust. Reply Want to Align with the Lunar Cycle?

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This is also the time to move into action with others. Organic Merchant Immune Tea. This real life analogy is exactly what you can experience, if you choose to commune. Ancient wisdoms and cultures knew this: they would use the moon to farm, to conceive, to celebrate milestones. I struggle with balance in my life and this helps so much. For instance, a crescent moon is what we call the moon when we see only a small portion of its illuminated surface. We Love. But it serves as a convenient reminder for us to keep our lives in balance. Starting with the two main phases of the moon — the full and the new — allows you to begin to tune into the effect on your body. You know instinctively what needs to be done now: this is the time to follow through. Why in modern times do we treat our period as taboo, something we only speak about in private, a thing to be embarrassed about or hide, or an experience we attempt to get rid of or weaken via contraceptive? This flow between yin and yang energy is not always clear cut and dramatic. If you want to go into much further detail about how to follow the moon cycle, I suggest reading Lunar Abundance by Ezzie Spencer.

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