Yoga wikipedia

Yoga philosophy is one of the six major orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy[1] [2] though it is only at the end of the first millennium CE that Yoga is mentioned as a separate school of thought in Indian texts, yoga wikipedia, distinct from Samkhya. The origins of yoga-practice are yoga wikipedia, but seems to have developed in ascetic milieus in the first millennium BCE. The root of the word "Yoga" is found in hymn 5.

The science of yoga is the scientific basis of modern yoga as physical exercise in human sciences such as anatomy , physiology , and psychology. Yoga's effects are to some extent shared with other forms of exercise , [O 1] though it differs in the amount of stretching involved, and because of its frequent use of long holds and relaxation, in its ability to reduce stress. Yoga is here treated separately from meditation , which has effects of its own, though yoga and meditation are combined in some schools of yoga. Yoga has been studied scientifically since the 19th-century physiology experiments of N. The early 20th-century pioneers Yogendra and Kuvalayananda both set up institutes to study yoga systematically.

Yoga wikipedia

There is a wide variety of schools of yoga, practices, and goals [2] in Hinduism , Buddhism , and Jainism , [3] [4] [5] and traditional and modern yoga is practiced worldwide. Yoga-like practices were first mentioned in the ancient Hindu text known as Rigveda. Two general theories exist on the origins of yoga. The linear model holds that yoga originated in the Vedic period, as reflected in the Vedic textual corpus , and influenced Buddhism; according to author Edward Fitzpatrick Crangle, this model is mainly supported by Hindu scholars. According to the synthesis model, yoga is a synthesis of non-Vedic and Vedic elements; this model is favoured in Western scholarship. The term "yoga" in the Western world often denotes a modern form of Hatha yoga and a posture-based physical fitness, stress-relief and relaxation technique , [23] consisting largely of asanas ; [24] this differs from traditional yoga, which focuses on meditation and release from worldly attachments. The term " yoga " has been defined in different ways in Indian philosophical and religious traditions. In the classical Astanga yoga system , the ultimate goal of yoga is to achieve samadhi and remain in that state as pure awareness. According to Knut A. Jacobsen , yoga has five principal meanings: [56]. David Gordon White writes that yoga's core principles were more or less in place in the 5th century CE, and variations of the principles developed over time: [58]. According to White, the last principle relates to legendary goals of yoga practice; it differs from yoga's practical goals in South Asian thought and practice since the beginning of the Common Era in Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain philosophical schools. There is no consensus on yoga's chronology or origins other than its development in ancient India. There are two broad theories explaining the origins of yoga.

Indian Philosophy.

Some of the early hatha yoga texts 11thth c. This was seen as the physical essence of life that was constantly dripping down from the head and being lost. Almost all hathayogic texts belong to the Nath siddhas , and the important early ones 11thth c. In the 20th century, a development of hatha yoga focusing particularly on asanas the physical postures became popular throughout the world as a form of physical exercise. This modern form of yoga is now widely known simply as "yoga".

The term also became a modern name for the practice of yoga [1] [2] in the 19th-century when Swami Vivekananda gave his interpretation of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in his book Raja Yoga. In ancient and medieval Sanskrit texts, it meant the highest state of yoga practice one reaching samadhi. The method of meditation followed under Sahaj Marg , also called Heartfulness follows Raja Yoga system of practice. In the second chapter, the text mentions Raja yoga. It states that it is so named because it enables the yogin to reach the illustrious king within oneself, the supreme self. The Raja yoga goal and state are synonymous with various terms, such as Amanaska , Unmani and Sahaj. Just as with salt dissolved in water becomes one with it, so the union of Atman and Manas mind is denominated samadhi, When the breath becomes exhausted, and mind becomes Praliyate still, reabsorbed , they fuse into union called samadhi.

Yoga wikipedia

Wherever you go today, you hear people talking about the multiple benefits of yoga and attesting to its indispensability in daily life. It is no surprise, considering the significance of yoga in the resolution of physical and mental problems all over the world today. Perhaps you never dreamt that any non-acrobat could bend and twist like that! While yoga asanas are immensely effective and helpful, yoga is more than the asanas or poses it is known for today. It is, also, not just a passing modern fad that evolved over the last few decades. The fact is that it dates back as far as a few millenniums! Yes, incredible as it may sound, yoga goes way back to BC times. So, it is no wonder that so many around the world are attracted to such a time-tested practice.

Millennium dawn

Vimanarcanakalpa Mayurasana c. According to White, the last principle relates to legendary goals of yoga practice; it differs from yoga's practical goals in South Asian thought and practice since the beginning of the Common Era in Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain philosophical schools. Initially denied an audience, he was later invited because he was sent by a "king curious of wisdom and philosophy". Sjoman, Norman E. He defined yoga as "the cessation of the modification of the mind" stopping changing the mind. Pleasure and pain results from contact of soul, sense, mind and object. Vivekananda Aurobindo Radhakrishnan. The Varieties of the Meditative Experience. Indra Devi B. They consider yoga to be firm restraint of the senses. PMID Mallinson, James

Whether you want a physically demanding yoga class, or a relaxing, meditative one, there are plenty of different yoga styles to suit a variety of skill levels and needs. Each style is a bit different from the others, plus you'll find variations depending on the teacher.

PMC Onesicritus also mentions attempts by his colleague, Calanus , to meet them. Main articles: Tantra , Yogi , and Siddhi. Desikachar , founded the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandalam in Chennai. Snow Lion, Princeton University Press , page George Samuel wrote that tantra is a contested term, but may be considered a school whose practices appeared in nearly-complete form in Buddhist and Hindu texts by about the 10th century CE. Hemkunt Press. Brain activity and meditation History of meditation Meditation in popular culture Mind—body interventions Research on meditation. The Varieties of the Meditative Experience. Main article: Shatkarma. According to Tattvarthasutra , a second-to-fifth century Jain text, yoga is the sum of all activities of mind, speech and body. A Yogi can sit in any asana for a given time. The Samkhya-Yoga system espouses dualism between consciousness and matter by postulating two "irreducible, innate and independent realities: Purusha and Prakriti. Categories : Yoga Hindu philosophy Schools and traditions in ancient Indian philosophy.

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