advanced foot and ankle of indian river

Advanced foot and ankle of indian river

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Paradoa and Dr. Caballes are both double Board Certified, specializing in all your Foot and Ankle needs. Our practice has over 28 years of experience. We offer conservative and surgical treatment of the foot, ankle and lower leg. We also offer Qutenza. For your convenience our office uses advanced equipment such as diagnostic ultrasound and digital imaging.

Advanced foot and ankle of indian river

Podiatrists treat corn, calluses, ingrown toenails, heel spurs, arch problems and so much more. People spend a lot of time walking, running, and standing on their feet. Since we spend so much time on our feet, foot problems can cause significant discomfort. Common foot problems can be treated with the help of a podiatrist. Lucky for you, we specialize in foot care. We want you to be able to live your life to the fullest and not be limited by what you can do because of foot pain. Our foot doctor is fully committed to getting you back on your feet! The foot is a complex body part with 26 different bones. The foot is so complex that any serious problems should be treated by a podiatrist. Podiatrists treat a variety of different diseases, disorders, and injuries. Our doctors specialize in providing diabetic foot care, which is important to prevent or manage nerve damage. If you have diabetes, daily foot care is necessary to prevent complications.

Crisis Hub. Does good job and doesn't rush it. We provide comprehensive diabetic foot carebunion treatmentand toenail fungus treatment.


Paradoa and Dr. Caballes are both double Board Certified, specializing in all your Foot and Ankle needs. Our practice has over 28 years of experience. We offer conservative and surgical treatment of the foot, ankle and lower leg. We also offer Qutenza. For your convenience our office uses advanced equipment such as diagnostic ultrasound and digital imaging. We provide comprehensive diabetic foot care , bunion treatment , and toenail fungus treatment.

Advanced foot and ankle of indian river

Welcome to the Patient Information Center! Here you will find information about the most common foot and ankle ailments. Click on any of the issues below to find out more about specific problems and what treatment options are available. Here you will also find links to interesting websites pertaining to podiatry.

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Public Agency. Florida Foot Specialist. We also offer Qutenza. After a very short recovery period, I was amazed to be able to function normally with no pain whatsoever. Wednesday: AM - PM. More Less. Athlete's Foot is spread by coming in contact with an infected area such as a gym locker room or swimming pool. There are several medical techniques used to treat these various diseases. Thursday: AM - PM. To exercise, choose foot-friendly activities such as walking, biking, or swimming. Our doctors specialize in providing diabetic foot care, which is important to prevent or manage nerve damage.

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For your convenience our office uses advanced equipment such as diagnostic ultrasound and digital imaging. Thank you! If you need diabetic foot care or any other medical treatment for your foot or ankle, call us today to make an appointment! Amberly Paradoa to anyone bothered by foot problems. To exercise, choose foot-friendly activities such as walking, biking, or swimming. Diabetes decreases blood flow, so injuries are slow to heal. Neighborhood Faves. We provide comprehensive diabetic foot care , bunion treatment , and toenail fungus treatment. Similar Businesses. This surgery is much less invasive than traditional procedures. I could not be more pleased. For your convenience our office uses advanced equipment such as diagnostic ultrasound and digital imaging. Paradoa and her friendly, efficient staff made absolutely certain that every aspect of my experience went pleasantly smooth. With a diabetic foot, a wound as small as a blister from wearing a shoe that's too tight can cause a lot of damage. DCTC

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